Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc.

"I'm an expectant mother and I want my baby to come into a safe, clean world. Which is why I feel so good about working at Nucor. They care about the environment."
- Amber Jaspers
Crane Tender
Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc.
Every year, Nucor Steel Seattle recycles the equivalent of over a half million automobiles, turning heaps of scrap from old cars, appliances and soup cans into steel rebar for the next generation of roads, bridges and buildings.
While Nucor is the largest and oldest major recycler in Washington state, providing jobs to more than 320 families, few people realize they even exist.
Perhaps it’s because the plant, located within sight of the Space Needle, not only meets — but goes beyond — federal clean air requirements.
“That’s one of the many things we do to be good neighbors in the community,” says Nucor Seattle General Manager Matt Lyons.
“If we didn’t produce the steel here, it would likely be produced elsewhere and in an area with much lower environmental standards,” says Patrick Jablonski, Nucor’s environmental manager.
Nucor Steel Seattle Feature Video - 3:02

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